Lisa A. Royse, PhD


Dr. Royse leads patient engagement in research and qualitative research for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. She is dedicated to building patient-researcher partnerships that support and enable improved health outcomes and health care experiences. She is the Project Lead of a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington Engagement Award that supports development of the Patient AdvisoR Team iN Orthopaedic ReSearch (PARTNORS) program. PARTNORS focuses on building infrastructure for more meaningful patient engagement in research by involving and collaborating with patient partners to identify research areas important to them and co-create patient-centered outcomes research. Her experience also includes providing qualitative methods expertise for two Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)-funded pilot projects through MU’s Center for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research aimed to design better pain assessment measures and pain education in health care. Before joining the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dr. Royse led programmatic evaluation and technological innovations for MU School of Medicine’s Office of Medical Education.

Academic Information

Assistant Research Professor


1100 Virginia Avenue
Columbia, MO 65212
United States

P. 573-882-6965

Research Interests

  • Qualitative research methods
  • Patient-centered outcomes research

Areas of Expertise

  • Qualitative research methodology
  • Education and evaluation
  • Information science and learning technologies

Awards & Honors

  • MU Team Engagement Award for sustained community-engaged scholarship, 2019
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  • Royse LA, Strother S, Trachsel M, Mehr D, Hoffman K, Cook JL.
    Engaging Patients and Caregivers to Develop a Patient-Centered Agenda for Comparative Effectiveness Research focused on Treatment of Complex Knee Problems.
    Journal of Knee Surgery 2023;36(14):1422-1437. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1772608, PMID: 37604174.
  • Royse LA, Baker BS, Warne-Griggs MD, Miller K, Weitzel KJ, Ball SD, Duren DL.
    “It’s Not Time for Us to Sit Down Yet”: How Group Exercise Programs Can Motivate Physical Activity and Overcome Barriers in Inactive Older Adults.
    International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 2023;18(1):2216034. DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2023.2216034, PMID: 37220010.
  • London DA, Royse LA.
    The Evidence Basis for Learning Theory and Technology in Surgical Skills Training.
    Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery. 2023;31(12):593-603. 2023. DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-23-00021, PMID: 37130374.
  • Rucinski K, Leary E, Royse LA.
    Factors Important to Patients when Making Treatment Decisions for Knee Osteoarthritis.
    Journal of Knee Surgery. 2023;36(14):1413-1421. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-56998, PMID: 37072026.
  • Dannecker EA, Royse LA, Vilceanu D, Warne-Griggs M, Adib S, Stucky R, Bloom T, Mehr D.
    Perspectives of Patients with Chronic Pain about a Pain Science Education Video.
    Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2022;38(13):2745-2756. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2021.1934920, PMID: 34098844.
  • Royse LA, Nolan NS, Hoffman KG.
    Using a Sociogram to Characterize Communication during an Interprofessional Team Huddle.
    Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 2020;13:1583-1593. DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S273746, PMID: 33244236.
  • Dannecker EA, Warne-Griggs MD, Royse LA, Hoffman KG.
    Listening to Patients’ Voices: Workarounds Patients Use to Construct Pain Intensity Ratings.
    Qualitative Health Research. 2018;29(4):484–497. DOI: 10.1177/1049732318773714, PMID: 29890886.

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