A healthy individual can mount an immune response to pathogens and tumors while avoiding an autoimmune attack on normal tissues. Our lab studies how signal transduction pathways regulate lymphocyte development, activation and tolerance.
We are exploring:
- How deregulation of signaling pathways in developing lymphocytes leads to the development of hematological cancers.
- We are part of a multidisciplinary consortium who’s goals are to use a precision medicine-based approach to:
- develop tumor-specific delivery of our novel anti-leukemia/lymphoma drugs.
- utilize a high throughput neoantigen discovery platform to improve immunotherapy outcomes for multiple types of cancer.
- How lymphocyte receptors signal the programs that distinguish immune protection from immune pathology for infectious disease.
Academic Information
1030 Hitt St
Room 2010 NextGen Precision Health Institute
Columbia, MO 65211
United States
Research Interests
- T and B cell biology
- Tumor immunotherapy
- Leukemia
- Lymphoma
- Autoimmunity
- Immune Response to Pathogens
- Signal Transduction
- Biochemistry
- Immunology
- Drug Development
Areas of Expertise
- T and B cell development and activation
- T cell engineering
- Lymphocyte signaling, oncology and cell biology
Education & Training
Post-Graduate School
2002, PhD, University of Minnesota
In the News
- Knudson, KM, Pritzl CJ, Saxena V, Altman, A, Daniels MA, and Teixeiro,E. NFκB–Pim-1-Eomesodermin axis is critical for maintaining CD8 T-cell memory quality. PNAS Early Edition doi: 10.1073/pnas.1608448114
- Goplen, N.P., Saxena, V., Knudson, K.M., Schrum, A.G., Gil, D., Daniels, MA., Zamoyska, R., and Teixeiro, E. IL-12 Signals through the TCR To Support CD8 Innate Immune Responses. J Immunol 197, 2434-2443.
- Cunningham, C.A., Cardwell, L.N., Guan, Y., Teixeiro, E., and Daniels, MA. POSH Regulates CD4+ T Cell Differentiation and Survival. Journal of immunology 196, 4003-4013.
- Cunningham CA, Teixeiro E, Daniels MA. 2016. In Vitro Analysis of Thymocyte Signaling. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1323:169-78. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2809-5_15. PMID: 26294408
- Cunningham CA, Teixeiro E, Daniels MA. 2016. FTOC-Based Analysis of Negative Selection. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1323:141-9. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2809-5_12.PMID: 26294405
- Knudson KM, Hamilton SE, Daniels MA, Jameson SC, Teixeiro E. 2013. Cutting edge: The signals for the generation of T cell memory are qualitatively different depending on TCR ligand strength. J Immunol. 191(12):5797-801. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300905. Epub 2013 Nov 15.
- Cunningham CA, Knudson KM, Peng BJ, Teixeiro E, Daniels MA. 2013. The POSH/JIP-1 scaffold network regulates TCR-mediated JNK1 signals and effector function in CD8(+) T cells. Eur J Immunol. 43(12):3361-71. doi: 10.1002/eji.201343635. Epub 2013 Sep 10.
- Knudson KM, Goplen NP, Cunningham CA, Daniels MA*, Teixeiro E.* 2013. Low-affinity T cells are programmed to maintain normal primary responses but are impaired in their recall to low-affinity ligands. Cell Rep. 4(3):554-65. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.07.008. Epub 2013 Aug 8. *Co-Corresponding authors