Abdi Abud
Medical Minority Scholarship
First-year student
St. Louis
Q: How has this scholarship assisted in your education?
A: I feel honored and privileged to have received the Medical Minority Scholarship. This scholarship has taken away the burden of taking out tens of thousands of dollars in loans to pay tuition, and for this I am grateful. I hope to pursue a career in medicine that will allow me to have a direct impact on not only my patients but the community I will work in. My main passion in pursuing medicine has always been the privilege physicians have to serve and make the lives of people who are struggling with disease better. I hope to take it a step further and serve my community in whatever capacity I can, whether it is education or being a mentor for the younger generation.
Q: What are your career goals?
A: Although I am not sure what specialty I would like to pursue yet, my future plans as a physician include working with patients who are underserved. As someone who comes from an underserved background, I want to be able to give back and serve these vulnerable populations. In addition, I want to practice global medicine and serve patients in underdeveloped countries. With this scholarship, I will not have to worry about going into a specialty in order to make more money so I can pay off my loans. I am also now more open to specialties that have a longer training time as a result of this scholarship.
Q: What are your extracurricular activities and hobbies?
A: Prior to starting medical school here at Mizzou, I volunteered with several different organizations as a tutor and mentor. I am passionate about helping our young generation achieve whatever goals they desire. As someone who grew up in inner city St. Louis with limited access to positive role models, it became important to me to show the younger generation in my community that you can achieve great things despite growing up in an environment with many challenges. I hope to continue to mentor as many young kids as I can as a medical student and in the future as a physician. I recently joined an organization called Project SHORT, which aims to provide free mentoring to college students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds applying to several graduate school programs, including medicine. My main hobbies include watching and playing sports, mainly basketball and soccer, and hanging out with my family and friends.
Q: What else can you tell us about yourself?
A: I am originally from Somalia but have been living in St. Louis for the last 15 years with my family. I am a first-generation college student and will be the first physician in my family. Getting accepted into Mizzou Med was a dream come true for me, and then being awarded a scholarship was an unexplainable feeling. Attending Mizzou Med was an easy choice for me because of all the amazing things that Mizzou has been able to offer its medical students for years. Also, it was important for me to stay close to my family because they have been supporting me throughout this journey and I would not be here without them.
Q: What message would you like to send to your scholarship sponsor?
A: I want to thank you for providing me with this scholarship that has changed my life for the better. It is truly an honor to have received this scholarship, and it motivates me every day when I study. I know that there are people who believe that I can be successful, and that is what allows me to work hard every day. I hope to carry on the legacy of Mizzou physicians that have come before me and serve my patients to the best of my ability.