WHAT: University of Missouri officials will announce recipients of this year’s Coulter Biomedical Accelerator Awards, five grants totaling $409,000. The Coulter Awards are designed to accelerate academic health care innovations by helping biomedical researchers turn their projects into real products and services that can improve patient care.
The grants will be awarded to teams of College of Engineering and School of Medicine faculty.
WHO: Speakers include:
- Alexander Cartwright, PhD, chancellor of MU
- Mark McIntosh, PhD, vice chancellor for research, graduate studies and economic development at MU
- Patrick Delafontaine, PhD, Hugh E. and Sarah Stephenson Dean of the MU School of Medicine
- Elizabeth Loboa, PhD, dean of the MU College of Engineering at the University of Missouri
- Jinglu Tan, PhD, James C. Dowell Professor and chair of the Department of Bioengineering and principal investigator of the MU Coulter Translational Partnership Program
WHEN: 10 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017
WHERE: Great Room of the Reynolds Alumni Center