(12/18/24) Researchers from the University of Missouri are studying potential therapies to target specific cells linked to the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders like
(12/10/24) The odds on whether a child survives a cardiac arrest may depend on where they live, according to a new study from the University
(11/21/24) Each year, the MU Health Sciences Research Day (HSRD) provides a forum to highlight
(11/20/24) People often think a cure for cancer is the holy grail of medicine –

Awards and Honors
Medical educators recognized at 2024 Physicians Alumni Weekend
(11/15/24) Four MU School of Medicine alumni and current medical educators were honored from Nov

Outreach Programs
CALEB Project & Science Club hosts interactive CSI workshop
(11/8/24) Members of the “Called to Academic Leadership Excellence and Building character and confidence” (CALEB)
(11/7/24) New research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine indicates that accidental opioid

Awards and Honors
Curriculum Committee Award Ceremony highlights 2024 Education Day
(10/16/24) School of Medicine faculty and administration gathered on Thursday, Oct. 10, at the Patient-Centered