Dear Colleagues,
Like many of you, throughout my career I have attended many professional conferences. I’ve heard some fantastic speakers. It was last year at the Missouri State Medical Association annual meeting that I hatched an idea to create a speakers series in collaboration with Dean Lori Popejoy at the Sinclair School of Nursing and Dean Kristofer Hagglund at the College of Health Sciences that would invite national experts to come speak about broad topics in health care. Thus, the Three Deans’ Lecture Series was born.
Last month, Dr. Roneet Lev, an emergency room physician and nationally recognized marijuana expert, delivered the inaugural Three Deans’ Lecture Series keynote address on March 13.
As an emergency physician, Dr. Lev treats patients with some form of cannabis poisoning every shift. At the beginning of her career, she had never heard of such a thing — now it’s a daily diagnosis. In her presentation, Dr. Lev shared cases from the front lines and the science that people should know in order to make informed decisions. I encourage everyone to view her enlightening presentation.

Dr. Lev served as the first chief medical officer of the White House Office of National Drug Policy, where she brought frontline medical experience to national health policy. She came to the White House as chief of the Emergency Department of Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego.
Dr. Lev is dually board certified in emergency and addiction medicine, with more than 25 years of experience treating the frontline cases of addiction. She graduated from the University of Texas Medical School in San Antonio and completed her emergency medicine residency at the University of California San Diego.
Dean Popejoy, Dean Hagglund and I are so pleased with the success of the inaugural Three Deans’ Speakers Series event. Planning is already underway for next year’s speaker, and I look forward to seeing you there for another engaging presentation and discussion.
Rick Barohn, MD
Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Hugh E. and Sarah D. Stephenson Dean, School of Medicine