Dr. Robert Thomen’s research gives the lungs another look. His team has hypothesized that a new way to see what is happening inside the lungs using hyperpolarized gas will make both treatments and diagnoses more precise. Dr. Thomen, who runs the Mizzou Pulmonary Imaging Research Lab, hopes these detailed scans can help researchers investigate, diagnose and treat diseases like COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema.
Academic Information
M210P Medical Sciences Building
Columbia, MO 65212
United States
Research Interests
- Hyperpolarized Gases
- Pulmonary Imaging
- MRI Physics
Areas of Expertise
- Imaging Physics
- MRI Pulse Sequence Development
Education & Training
Post-Graduate School
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
PhD, Washington University in St Louis
MS, Creighton University
BS, Creighton University