The University of Missouri School of Medicine Department of Radiology is here to serve patients, provide diagnostic support for clinical specialties, train new radiologists and support research.
Subspecialty-trained radiologists are present in every division of radiology. Our radiologists lead an ACGME–accredited diagnostic radiology residency program which trains expert radiologists. The primary clinical institution and training site is University of Missouri Health Care, which includes Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, Missouri Orthopaedic Institute, South Providence Medical Park, and Women’s Hospital, but residents also rotate through Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital. In addition, the department provides clinical services at the South Providence Medical Park Imaging Center equipped with state-of-the-art radiology facilities.
Our department is fortunate to have excellent technical capabilities. MRI scanners include three 3T and four 1.5T scanners. We will get a 7T MRI scanner in the fall of 2021. Breast imaging includes tomosynthesis, breast density measurements, whole-breast ultrasound, and breast MRI. We have an IR hybrid CT-single plane fluoroscopy room. The CT, Nuclear Medicine (including PET/CT, SPECT/CT), ultrasound, and angiography equipment are state of the art. Biopsies and therapeutic interventions are performed utilizing all imaging modalities.
Fellowships are offered in body imaging (including abdominal and cardiothoracic imaging), breast imaging, diagnostic imaging, MSK imaging, neuroradiology, and pediatric radiology. We offer the ESIR pathway and hope to offer the Independent IR residency soon.