14th Annual Comparative Orthopaedics Day

14th Annual Comparative Orthopaedics Day

This year, our annual event recognized the outstanding men and women who serve in the medical branches of our Armed Forces. Two exceptional representatives of the US Military’s Medical Branches served as our Littlejohn Family Keynote Lecturers for this event.

Lt. Col. James T. Giles III is a veterinary surgeon who served with three Special Forces teams, as Senior Veterinary Surgeon in Afghanistan, and as Director of Dog Center Europe.

Col. Philip J. Belmont Jr. is an orthopedic surgeon who served with the 228th Combat Support Hospital in Iraq and is currently Professor and Program Director at The Beaumont Army Medical Center. Dr. Belmont and Dr. Giles shared facts, figures, and stories about our service men and women, and military working dogs, that provided the audience with an insight that few people in the world have experienced.

More than 100 people attended the event and all came away with a new perspective and appreciation for what our soldiers do for us and each other – it was a very impactful day.

Dr. Bob and Mrs. Marilyn Littlejohn
Dr. Bob and Mrs. Marilyn Littlejohn

The COL extends its sincerest gratitude to Dr. Giles and Dr. Belmont and to Dr. & Mrs Littlejohn, whose Littlejohn Family Endowment makes this annual event possible.

(photos courtesy of Dr. Barry Gainor)