COL has 23 abstracts accepted for presentation at 2016 ORS Annual Conference Click here to learn more about the ORS Annual Meeting.
2016 Abstracts
Denervation of Sensory Afferents in the ACL Affects Joint Health and Function
1James L. Cook, 2Christopher Nagelli, 1Keiichi Kuroki, 1Chantelle C. Bozynski, 2, 3Timothy E. Hewett
Development of a Novel Decellularized Meniscal Scaffold for Use in Tissue Engineering
Farrah A. Monibi1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Ferris M. Pfeiffer1, Keiichi Kuroki1, Seth L. Sherman1, and James L. Cook1
Effects of Platelet Rich Plasma on ACL and Meniscal Healing in a Canine OA Model
Farrah A. Monibi1, Patrick A. Smith1,2, Chantelle C. Bozynski1, Keiichi Kuroki1, Cristi R. Cook1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Ferris M. Pfeiffer1, and James L. Cook1
Evaluation of Protein Biomarkers in Serum and Urine for Diagnosis and Staging of Canine Hip Dysplasia
Carin E. Ahner1, Carissa N. Cruz1, Aaron M. Stoker1, James L. Cook2
Assessing the MOPS for the Storage and Preservation of Glenoid Osteochondral Allograft Tissue
Charles A. Baumann1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Matthew Smith1, Kamryn S. Chastain1, Elliott E. Voss1, James L. Cook1
Acute Management of ACL Injuries Using Novel Canine Models
Chantelle C. Bozynski1, James P. Stannard1, Patrick A. Smith1, Bryan Hanypsiak2, Keiichi Kuroki1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Cristi R. Cook1, James L. Cook1
Metabolic Responses of Annulus Fibrosis and Nucleus Pulposus to Pro-Inflammatory Stimuli
James T. Stannard1 Aaron M. Stoker1, Theodore J. Choma1, James L. Cook1
Effects of Dynamic Cyclic Loading on Intervertebral Disc Using a Whole Organ in vitro Culture Model
James T. Stannard1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Ferris M. Pfeiffer1, Theodore J. Choma1 James L. Cook1
Anti-inflammatory and Chondroprotective Effects of Harpogophytum procumbens Extract using an in vitro Model of Osteoarthritis
Aaron M. Stoker1, William Folk1, James L. Cook1
Validation of Long-Term Preservation of Human Osteochondral Allografts at Room Temperature
1Aaron M. Stoker, 1Chantelle C. Bozynski, 1Keiichi Kuroki, 2Clark T. Hung, 1James P. Stannard, 1James L. Cook
Responses of Infrapatellar Fat Pad and Synovial Tissue to Cytokine Stimulation in vitro
Aaron M. Stoker1, Catherine Jones1, James L. Cook1
Assessment of Biomarker Production by Osteochondral Tissue Obtained From Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty
Nicole Werner1, Aaron M. Stoker1, James T. Stannard1, Sonny Bal1, James L. Cook1
Correlation of Biomarker Production to Biomechanical, Biochemical, and Histological Properties of Osteoarthritic Osteochondral Tissue Obtained From Patients Undergoing Total Knee Replacement
Nicole C. Werner1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Ferris Pfeiffer1, James T. Stannard1, Chantelle C. Bozynski1, Sonny Bal1, James L. Cook1
Responses of Osteoarthritic Osteochondral Tissue to Cytokine Stimulation in vitro
Nicole C. Werner1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Chantelle C. Bozynski1, Sonny Bal1, James L. Cook1
Comparison of Human Articular Cartilage Properties in the Humeral Head of Normal and Osteoarthritic Samples
Andrew J. Polk1, Robert J. Newman1, James L. Cook1, Matthew J. Smith1, Aaron M. Stoker1, Ferris M. Pfeiffer1
Evaluation of Multiple Formulations of Polycaprolatone for use in Tissue Engineering Applications
Ferris M. Pfeiffer1, Jacob Harris1, A. Sharif El-Gizawy1
Biomechanical Effects of Menisco-Tibial Repair
Ferris M. Pfeiffer, James P. Stannard, Matthew Bollier, James L. Cook, and Patrick A. Smith
Biomechanical Comparison of S2 Sacroiliac versus Iliac Bolt Screw Fixation
Ferris M. Pfeiffer1, Dan Hoernschemeyer 1
Biomechanical Analysis of the Anterolateral Ligament (ALL) Using an in vivo Musculoskeletal Model
Amirhossein Jahandar1, Swithin Razu1, Hamidreza Jahandar1, Clayton Nuelle1, Seth L. Sherman1, Trent M. Guess1
Function of the deep Medial Collateral Ligament Meniscal Attachments in the ACL Deficient Knee
Trent M. Guess1, Swithin Razu1
Biomechanical Function of the Anterior Intermeniscal Ligament
Trent M. Guess1, Swithin Razu1, Hamidreza Jahandar1
In vitro Toxicity of Local Anesthetics and corticosteroids on Supraspinatus Tenocyte Viability and Metabolism
Clayton Nuelle1, Chris H. James, Aaron M. Stoker, James L. Cook, Seth L. Sherman1
A Puzzle Piece Strategy for Fabrication of Large Tissue Engineered Cartilage Constructs.
Nover AB, Jones BK, Yu WT, Donovan DS, Podolnick JD, Cook JL, Ateshian GA, Hung CT.