COL Receives Two Coulter Biomedical Accelerator Program Awards

Dr. Smith and Dr. Pfeiffer

Dr. Ferris Pfeiffer headed up COL teams that submitted proposals for funding from the University of Missouri’s Coulter Biomedical Accelerator Program Awards, and both were awarded full funding!  The successful proposals were entitled:

Wallace H. Coulter
Wallace H. Coulter

Click to learn about Wallace H. Coulter.

Evaluation of a Bone-Tendon Allograft System for use in Human Rotator Cuff Repair; Engineering Co-PI: Ferris M. Pfeiffer, Clinical Co-PI: Matthew J. Smith

Evaluation of a Tapered Osteochondral Allograft System; Engineering Co-PI: Ferris M. Pfeiffer, Clinical Co-PI: James P. Stannard

Co-investigators on both projects: Aaron Stoker, Keiichi Kuroki, James Cook

For more on the Coulter Biomedical Accelerator Program Awards, visit the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation and MU’s Biological Engineering page.