COL Team Has 15 Research Presentations Accepted for ORS 2015

Orthopaedic Research Society 2015 Annual Meeting

The following research presentations have been accepted for ORS 2015:

  1. Stoker AM, Hung CT, Lima EG, Stannard JP and Cook JL.  Validation of Long-Term Preservation of Osteochondral Allografts at Room Temperature
  2. Pfeiffer FM, Stannard JP and Cook JL. Fresh meniscus with hemi-plateau osteoarticular allografts: validation and initial clinical results
  3. Stylianou AP, Razu SS, Iahandar H, Bloemker KH, Cil A and Guess TM.  Ligament Resting Length: A Method for Patient Specific Determination.
  4. Kuroki K, Kennedy C, Stoker AM and Cook JL.  Effects of Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein on an in vitro Model of Canine Osteoarthritis
  5. Stoker AM, Jones C and Cook JL. Responses of Infrapatellar Fat Pad to Cytokine Stimulation In Vitro
  6. Cook A, Stoker AM, Pfeiffer F and Cook JL.  Analysis of the Metabolic Response of Meniscal Tissue to Injury and Inflammation in vitro
  7. Stoker AM, James K, Pfeiffer F, Kuroki K, Bozynski C and Cook JL.  Analysis of the Metabolic Response of Cartilage Tissue to Injury and Inflammation in vitro
  8. Walden N, Stoker AM, Werner N and Cook JL.  Comparison of Synovial and Infrapatellar Fat Pad Tissue Response to Cytokine Stimulation Using an In Vitro Co-culture Model
  9. Stannard JT, Stoker AM, Pfeiffer F, Choma T and Cook JL.  Effects of Diurnal Loading on Interverterbral Disc using a Whole Organ In vitro Culture Model
  10. Stannard JT, Stoker AM, Zallas A, Pfeiffer F, Choma T and Cook JL.  Effects of Static Loading on Interverterbral Disc using a Whole Organ In vitro Culture Model
  11. Monibi FA, Smith PA, Stannard JP, Kuroki K, Bozynski C, Pfeiffer F, Cook CR and Cook JL.  Development of a Novel “Hybrid” Double-bundle ACL Reconstruction Technique in a Translational Large Animal Model
  12. Ahner CE, Stoker AM, Pfeiffer F, Monibi FA, Sherman S, Bozynski C and Cook JL. Serum Biomarkers In A Novel In Vivo Model Of Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis
  13. Bozynski C, Kuroki K, Stannard JP, Smith PA, Stoker AM, Cook CR and Cook JL.  Evaluation of Partial Transection Versus Synovial Debridement of the ACL as Novel Canine Models for Management of ACL Injuries
  14. Nover AB, Lee SL, Yu WT, Stefani RM, Ateshian GA, Stoker AM, Cook JL and Hung CT.  Long-Term Storage and Preservation of Tissue Engineered Articular Cartilage.
  15. Tan AR, Estell EG, Farr J, Ahmad C, Ateshian G, Cook JL and Hung CT.  Design and Fabrication of Minced Engineered Cartilage Fragments for Joint Repair

Download list of research presentations (.doc)