Josephine Luk, a PhD student with the Thompson Laboratory for Regenerative Orthopaedics, was awarded another educational scholarship by Orthoregeneration Network Foundation.
Luk will represent the Thompson Lab and University of Missouri, attending the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Society from September 15-17 in Rome, Italy. The meeting aims to bring together surgeons, biologists, engineers, and veterinarians in the field of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal research to share knowledge and explore the latest discoveries in Orthopaedic Science and Surgery. The awarded funds will be used to support expenses to attend the meeting.
Luk’s area of research is on investigating immunogenic factors in the remaining bone marrow elements of osteochondral allografts and the degree of immune response in the host that may constrain bone incorporation between graft and host.
Congratulations, Jospehine!