Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Drs. Breanne Baker, Melanie Boeyer, and Sebastian Cardona-Ramirez received first, second, and fourth place, respectively, for their graphical abstract submissions during celebration of National Postdoc Appreciation Week.
MU’s Postdoctoral Association (MUPA) hosted events September 21-25 in celebration of National Postdoc Appreciation Week. Due to Covid-19, in lieu of an in-person poster session, graphical abstracts were submitted virtually. Abstract titles included:
- Breanne Baker, PhD: Tibial Bone Quality in Former Bariatric Surgery Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
- Melanie Boeyer, PhD: The Timing and Tempo of the Skeletal Maturational Spurt in Independent of Racial or Ethnic Background
- Sebastian Cardona-Ramirez, DVM, PhD: ACL Graph Source Influences Fibroblast Metabolic Response to Tension Load In Vitro