Lisa Royse, PhD, assistant research professor with the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Missouri School of Medicine was invited to serve as MU’s Patient Engagement Officer and Co-Investigator for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)-funded Greater Plains Collaborative PCORnet Clinical Research Network.
The study entitled, “Greater Plains Collaborative Optimizing Infrastructure for Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: PCORnet, The National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network” aims to provide overall network leadership for the Greater Plains Collaborative (GPC) PCORNet Clinical Data Research Network (CRN), which consists of thirteen research medical centers. This effort will evolve and support a clinical research network infrastructure that captures complete and comprehensive data from patients at these medical centers. This includes developing the governance, regulatory processes, technical infrastructure, and patient engagement strategies to enable a learning health care system by integrating comparative effectiveness research with clinical workflows.
Congratulations, Dr. Royse!