(10/25/23) Often the only certain cure for endometrial hyperplasia, the thickening of the lining of the uterus and development of abnormal cells that can lead
(10/18/23) Five University of Missouri students were recently selected to join the Southeastern Conference (SEC) Emerging Scholars program, which supports students and researchers aspiring to
(10/18/23) When injuries break the skin’s protective barrier, bacteria can infiltrate and infect wounds. Wounds
(10/4/23) The University of Missouri School of Medicine has received a new federal award of
(9/20/23) New research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine suggests there may be
(9/18/23) When humans or animals get infected, the body’s immune system tries to not only
(9/6/23) The endometrium of the adult uterus has remarkable regenerative ability. In most women, this