(3/13/24) Stephanie Peace, MD ’17, credits her success as a physician to the time she spent in the MedZou Community Health Center clinic. It was
(3/15/24) Leon and Sam Cheng, twin brothers and fourth-year medical students, remember how they developed their fascination with the medical field. The brothers frequently visited
(2/20/24) February: a month often associated with everlasting love and candy hearts. More than 200
(1/22/24) Carl Myers, MD, FAAFP believes in accessible and affordable education. Since he graduated from
(1/17/24) Michael LeFevre, MD, hadn’t meant to stay in Columbia for over 50 years. It
(12/18/23) Ever since David Barbe, MD, graduated from the MU School of Medicine in 1980

Awards and Honors
Students Recognized at MU Health Sciences Research Day
(12/15/23) Nearly 30 research projects were presented by students with the Thompson Laboratory for Regenerative
(12/5/23) Despite the biting cold and the dark hours of the morning on Thursday, Nov