(2/25/21) Brooke Wiewel Gary Mueller, MD, and Carolyn R. Mueller, PhD, RN, Honors College-Medical School Scholarship First-year student Liberty, Illinois
(2/2/21) Abdi Abud Medical Minority Scholarship First-year student St. Louis
(1/21/21) Medical students at MU School of Medicine’s Springfield Clinical Campus (SCC) volunteered in December
(1/5/21) Stephanie Allred, 1988 Scholarship, Third-year student, Kansas City

Undergraduate Programs
MU School of Medicine Recognizes National Rural Health Day
The University of Missouri School of Medicine joins health care organizations across the country to
(11/10/20) - More than 200 research projects were virtually displayed during the 2020 Health Sciences
(8/31/20) David James Haustein, MD, MBA, has taken the position of associate dean of the

Undergraduate Programs
Students Learn About Rural Medicine in Virtual Summer Retreat
(8/13/20) Rural Missouri students gathered virtually this summer at the annual MU School of Medicine