David Spadavecchia
School of Medicine Class of 1952 Scholarship Fund
Columbia, Missouri
Third-year student
Q: How has this scholarship assisted in your education?
A: This scholarship means, and has repeatedly meant, that there are amazing people and groups out there that truly care about my success and well-being. It is humbling to receive such generosity year after year just for doing something I'm passionate about. Learning and practicing medicine is a privilege, and one made much more possible by the scholarship I was endowed with.
Q: What are your career goals?
A: My current career goals include discovering which specific practice of medicine most interests me. As a current family medicine clinical learner, I have discovered the impact and importance that primary care has on our local community and the well-being of its members. Every day I look forward to helping effect positive change through offering patient-centered care and am strongly considering joining the ranks of Missouri's accomplished and proficient family medicine physicians.
Q: What are your extracurricular activities and hobbies?
A: I have been practicing for an ultramarathon while taking care of my two children and being a supportive husband to a full-time military wife. It has been a challenging yet rewarding experience on all fronts! When we have spare time, my wife and I continue to give back to our country's patriots through our nonprofit and hope to be able to do this without end.
Q: What else can you tell us about yourself?
A: I started out my third-year clinical rotations in pediatrics when respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was working its way through the community. As a father whose son also had a bout with RSV requiring temporary hospitalization, it was incredible to see how much time, effort and compassion was devoted to our young patients behind the scenes. It was truly a memorable experience and made me grateful all over again for the incredible health care team I had the privilege of witnessing several years prior.
Q: What message would you like to send to your scholarship sponsor?
A: I’d like to extend my most sincere gratitude for once again being awarded the School of Medicine Class of 1952 Scholarship. I have received this endowment for a third year now, and every time I am blown away by the hospitality of strangers. I’ve always found words to be a poor substitute for actions in conveying gratitude, but hopefully these will project how grateful I am to receive your altruism. As we’re a single-income household with two rapidly growing boys, any economic relief is always a most welcome surprise. It’s this exact feeling of relief that drives my wife and me to continually give back to our community through our nonprofit organization. I look forward to finding my role in improving our health and awareness here in Columbia and graciously thank you for your help in making my dream profession a reality.