Eboni Acoff
Medical School Minority Scholarship
First-year student
O’Fallon, Illinois
Q: How has receiving this scholarship assisted in your education?
A: For me, receiving this scholarship means that I am capable and I belong here. Many graduate students experience imposter syndrome, believing we are not worthy of the seat we now hold. With the support from this scholarship, I have not only gained financial assistance towards my education but also felt the personal support of those who so generously offered their aid and encouragement that I did not end up in this position by mistake.

Q: What are your career goals and future plans?
A: There are so many opportunities as a first-year student, but I am currently interested in pursuing a career in maternal fetal medicine. During undergrad, I studied public health and health disparities, and once I learned of the jarring rates of maternal mortality in the United States – especially among Black women and other women of color – I knew that I wanted to study more about this field. If there is anything I can do in my future career to prevent even just one mother from dying during childbirth, it will emphasize the fact that this journey was worth the long nights and stressful days.
Q: What are your extracurricular activities and hobbies?
A: I am a newly registered member of the American Medical Association. I also intend on applying to join the Student Ambassador team, the Student National Medical Association, the OB/GYN interest group and Medical Students for Choice. I look forward to volunteering at MedZou and the CALEB Science Club when I get the opportunity.
Q: What else can you tell us about yourself?
A: The most influential factor in my decision to attend Missouri was receiving financial aid. I have been an independent student since my second year of undergrad, which means that I have been and will continue to be financially responsible for personal and school expenses. I love Mizzou and have loved being a member of this community since I started school here in 2017, but it is my reality that I must make decisions that best suit my current needs. With this scholarship, I was able to stay in Columbia and pursue my career with the amazing MU Health Care faculty, staff and facilities that I came to know and love throughout undergrad. For that, I will always be grateful.
Q: What message would you like to send to your scholarship sponsor?
A: Thank you so much for your generosity, which has aided in my most recent endeavor of studying to become a physician. This journey is not only foreign to me, but it is a new experience for everyone in my family, so it is nice to have your support as I tread the waters of the unknown. I hope that I will get to meet you one day, but until then, thank you and blessings.