Through the many generous donations in honor of Dr. Robert Littlejohn and his dear friend Mr. Charles Lusk, we have established the Littlejohn Legacy Research Award. This award was created to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Littlejohn by supporting orthopaedic learners in pursuit of advances that change healthcare for the better.
We believe this is a fitting legacy for all that Dr. and Mrs. Littlejohn accomplished, supported and encouraged during their many years of involvement with Mizzou Orthopaedics and the Thompson Laboratory for Regenerative Orthopaedics. Thompson Lab leadership will select the recipient each year, beginning in summer 2020 with a $1,000 award to support the recipient’s orthopaedic training and/or research. The award will be funded through the Cook Family Orthopaedic Research Endowment. Further donations to this award can be sent to the MU Advancement Office at the following address:
Office of Advancement
407 Reynolds Alumni Center
Columbia, MO 65211
Gifts made to the Cook Family Orthopaedic Research Fund via check should be made out to the University of Missouri.
Dr. Littlejohn