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Health Informatics in Diabetes Research (HIDR) Core
The University of Missouri “Health Informatics in Diabetes Research” (“MU-HIDR”), as part of the Washington University “Center for Diabetes Translation Research” (WU-CDTR), is one of seven NIDDK-funded Centers for Diabetes Translation Research. The MU-HIDR, is one of five WU-CDTR research support cores which offer a range of services that support and enhance diabetes translation research for center members.
Eduardo Simoes, MD, MSc, MPH, DLSHTM
Core Director - MU-HIDR (NIDDK Washington University CDTR)
122A Math & Sciences Bldg.
810 Rollins St.
Columbia, MO 65211
Health Intervention and Treatment Research Lab
The Health Intervention and Treatment Research Lab conducts clinical research to enhance our understanding of how and why people change their health behaviors. The lab's research focuses primarily on addictive behaviors (e.g., alcohol and other drug use) but also targets other health behaviors, such as sleep and nutrition. Our goal is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of prevention and treatment among high-risk populations (e.g., young adults, Veterans).
Mary Miller
Lab Director and Principal Investigator
1 Hospital Dr.
Columbia, MO 65212