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MU Surgical Center for Outcomes Research and Effectiveness (MUSCORE)

MUSCORE is a multidisciplinary research center established by the Department of Surgery for Health Services Research (HSR). It was developed to encourage and support the use of HSR to improve the quality of surgical care at local, regional and national levels. At MUSCORE, team members work closely with clinical research directors to ensure high quality data review and project progression


Todd Vogel, MD

Director, Health Services Research

Medical Intelligent Systems Laboratory (MISL)

The Medical Intelligent Systems Lab (MISL) at the University of Missouri School of Medicine researches improvements to biomedical decision support systems and eldercare.


Mihail Popescu, PhD

Lab Director


Microcirculation Laboratory

Current research in the Segal laboratory centers on understanding how myofibers and microvessels interact during regeneration and reinnervation following acute injury. Complementary studies center on understanding how vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells of the vascular wall develop resilience to oxidative stress.


Steven S. Segal, PhD

Lab Director


Missouri Orthopaedic Bioskills Laboratory

The Missouri Orthopaedic Bioskills Lab is the primary clinical anatomy and surgical simulation training site for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. The lab provides mentored, hands-on cadaveric training that is critical to patient safety and effective surgical practice.


Rachel Eiberger

Associate Director


Mizzou OneHealth Biorepository

The Mizzou OneHealth Biorepository is a University of Missouri School of Medicine-approved facility that provides normal and pathologic tissue samples and ancillary processing services. The biorepository was established to standardize collections and, in return, provide high-quality tissue for IRB-approved biomedical research projects.


Laura Schulz, PhD

Director of Biorepository

1 Hospital Drive
Columbia, MO 65212
