(11/20/24) People often think a cure for cancer is the holy grail of medicine – an achievement like no other. What if, instead, the focus
(10/7/24) The University of Missouri is a growing hub for cancer researchers. From animal scientists and biologists to immunologists and oncologists, Mizzou is home to
(8/26/24) Growing up in ’70s and ’80s Britain, 10-year-old Anthony Griffiths’ brain had the dangers
(8/7/24) MU researchers shed light on blind spots in disease monitoring and develop model to
(3/26/24) Henry Wan, PhD, Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Veterinary Pathobiology, Electrical

Awards and Honors
School of Medicine Students Represented at Annual Mizzou 18 Ceremony
(2/29/24) Three University of Missouri School of Medicine students were honored on Wednesday, Feb. 28
(12/12/23) A professor of pediatrics and molecular microbiology and immunology at the University of Missouri
(10/18/23) Five University of Missouri students were recently selected to join the Southeastern Conference (SEC)