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Baker Research Lab

The Baker Research Lab’s interests concern the welfare of people who are unable to produce adequate saliva either due to genetics, autoimmunity or side effects from treatments. A comprehensive approach to hyposalivation involves not just treatment but also preventative aspects, which are both warranted and viable.


Olga J. Baker DDS, PhD

Lab Director

545 Bond Life Sciences Center
1201 Rollins St.
Columbia, MO 65211
United States

Becevic Telehealth Lab

The Telehealth laboratory is dedicated and passionate about studying applications, implementation and usability of virtual platforms in improving access to care for isolated, rural or underserved patients.


Mirna Becevic, PhD, FAMIA

Assistant Professor

Department of Dermatology
Missouri Telehealth Network
Show-Me ECHO
4215 Phillips Farm Rd., Suite 121
Columbia, Mo., 65212


Biomedical Informatics

The mission of Biomedical Informatics (BMI) is to connect University of Missouri health care professionals and basic scientists who have a problem to solve with quantitative experts across campus in fields such as computer science, math, statistics and engineering.


MU School of Medicine, MA213
1 Hospital Dr.
Columbia, MO 65212


Cardiac Cell Physiology Lab

The Cardiac Cellular Physiology laboratory researches fundamental aspects of heart muscle cell function, and examines pathological alterations in muscle cell function in diseases including heart failure, muscular dystrophy, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmia.


Timothy L Domeier, PhD

Lab Director and Principal Investigator

1 Hospital Dr
Columbia, MO 65212


Center for Education and Development

Helping you become a more valuable member of MU Health Care.


Center for Education and Development


Center for Health Ethics

The MU Center for Health Ethics seeks to address complex ethical issues through dialogue across multiple related disciplines and in the broader academic and public community.


Lea Brandt

Director, MU Center for Health Ethics

1 Hospital Dr

Columbia, Missouri 65212


Center for Medical Epidemiology and Population Health (CMEPH)

The Center for Medical Epidemiology and Population Health (CMEPH), formerly the Health and Behavioral Risk Research Center (HBRRC), is recognized for its expertise in medical epidemiology and population health.


Eduardo Simoes, MD, MSc, MPH, DLSHTM

Director, Center for Medical Epidemiology and Population Health (CMEPH)

122A Math & Sciences Bldg.
810 Rollins St.
Columbia, MO 65211
Fax: 573-882-6158


Center for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research

MU PCOR is a multi-disciplinary Center within the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. Through a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), we were funded to build capacity for and promote patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) at Mizzou, collaborate on interventions to change practice, and focus on work with large data sets.


Lynne Lawrence

1 Hospital Dr

Columbia, Missouri 65212


Center for Precision Medicine

The Center for Precision Medicine aims to be the leader in improving the quality of patient care with targeted prevention, precise diagnosis and personalized treatments.


Luis Martinez-Lemus, DVM, PhD

Director, Center for Precision Medicine

1 Hospital Dr

Columbia, MO 65212

Center for Translational Neuroscience

 The purpose of the Center for Translational Neuroscience is to create a very effective and well-structured platform to connect, co-ordinate and support investigators in various disciplines.


Asgar Zaheer, PhD

Director, Center for Translational Neuroscience

1 Hospital Dr

Columbia, MO 65212
