The Missouri Telehealth Network (MTN) increases access to patient-centered health care via telehealth for rural and underserved Missourians by providing technical assistance to health care organizations, partnering with key stakeholders, operating telehealth programs, and supporting and developing telehealth policies.
MTN provides expertise in key telehealth domains including technical, clinical, operational, legal and regulatory, and evaluation.
Today, MTN has the experience and expertise to train start-up telemedicine programs and to manage new and existing telehealth programs. Currently, Missouri Telehealth Network partners with many types of health care organizations and manages several telehealth programs. MTN is the Missouri partner of the Heartland Telehealth Resource Center and is federally funded to increase adoption of telemedicine. MTN also operates Show-Me ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes). Show-Me ECHO connects community providers with experts, building virtual learning and mentoring collaborative efforts to increase capacity for care.
Interprofessional Telehealth Training Program
The Missouri Telehealth Network is proud to announce our new learning modules that guide professionals through educational trainings to equip them with a better understanding of telehealth capabilities.
New Telehealth Billing Tool
Healthcare providers are encouraged to use this new tool to navigate telehealth billing.
Rural Citizens’ Access to Telehealth (RCAT)
Providing telehealth education and training, technical assistance in project planning, and funds for new telehealth programs RCAT increases access for rural Missourians.
Sexual Assault Forensic Examination via Telehealth (SAFEvT)
Creating a statewide teleSANE network, virtual SANE training modules, and a SANE ECHO to increase SANE nurses and survivor access.
Show-Me ECHO
Show-Me ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) uses videoconferencing technology to connect a team of interdisciplinary experts with primary care providers. The discussions with, and mentoring from, specialists help equip primary care providers to give their patients the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
Heartland Telehealth Resource Center
The Heartland Telehealth Resource Center (HTRC) is one of 12 regional resource centers funded by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration to increase access to health care for underserved populations through telehealth. HTRC partners with well-established telehealth organizations, including Missouri Telehealth Network, one of the nation’s earliest, most successful telemedicine programs.