If you’re considering a career in medicine, we can help you learn more about the health professions through our intensive camps. If you’ve already decided on a career in medicine, our MedPrep workshops can prepare you to be a competitive medical school applicant.
High School Outreach
- High School Mini Medical School gives high school students a preview of medical school. The one-week summer program is intended for students who want to explore a career as a physician.
- Excellence in Learning is an intensive two-day medical education experience for selected high school students and teachers in St. Louis who have completed the Saturday Scholars program at Washington University. The workshop takes place in the spring and is by invitation only.
- Medical Explorations helps rising high school juniors and seniors explore various health professions. This workshop includes a two-week online component and a one-day, on-campus event.
Undergraduate/Adult Outreach
- Mizzou Pre-Med Day is an opportunity for undergraduate students and academic advisers to learn about medical school admissions, curriculum, financial aid and career options. Participants can tour the school and talk with current students about what it’s like to be a medical student.
- Mizzou MedPrep I helps college juniors and above gain insight into what makes a well-rounded and competitive applicant through various sessions. The workshop includes individualized, one-on-one advising with a faculty or staff member. During the sessions, participants obtain a better understanding of the importance of research and community service and learn about financial aid, patient-based learning and academic preparation. Attendees also may talk with advisers and current medical students.
- Mizzou MedPrep II is a platform for college juniors and above gain insight into the AMCAS application process, enhance an individual personal statement, and the importance of securing excellent recommendation letters. Participants also complete mock interviews. This workshop includes a three-week online component and a one-day, onsite workshop.
- Pathways to Success (PAWS) Students accepted into the Pathways to Success Pre-Admissions Program are offered provisional acceptance into a particular entering class of the University of Missouri School of Medicine. This program is designed to encourage first-generation college students and students from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue a career in medicine.