Pandemics place unexpected burdens on health care professionals, national and local infrastructures, employers, and medical resources. Preparing and responding to a pandemic involves training responders and stockpiling finite resources like medications and PPE, but associated ethical issues also need to be addressed.
This portal provides links to Center activities, events and publications on this topic and access to an extensive bibliography, "Pandemic Resources," for additional research. While much of the content available on the site relates to work done in preparation for pandemic flu, it also applies to COVID-19. At the Center we continue to update and add resources related to the current situation and revise our efforts accordingly, transitioning from preparedness to response as the pandemic unfolds.
- Health Ethics Considerations: Planning for and Responding to Pandemic Influenza in Missouri
Navigating the Planning, Convening and Conducting of a Public Process
Selected Websites and Presentations
- National Issues Forums, Discussion Guidelines (e.g. Life and Death Decisions: Who Decides?) - International Association for Public Participation, involvement spectrum, facilitators' toolkit
- Public Conversations Project, Fostering Dialogue Across Divides: A Nuts and Bolts Guide from the Public Conversations Project The Public Conversations Project's definitive guide to conducting successful dialogues on the most heated topics. This publication will take even a first-time practitioner step-by-step through the process while providing experienced facilitators enlightening new insights
- Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy - Pandemic
Selected Readings - Dr. Lea Brandt: Pandemic Ethics: A Community Perspective
- Dr. David Fleming: Altered but Ethical Standards of Care
- Dr. Griffin Trotter: Missouri Disaster Conference 2009