Graphical Abstracts presented at the 2021 Mizzou Musculoskeletal Symposium. Presentations include Undergraduate and Master’s Student, PhD Student, as well as Postdoc and Faculty Presentations.

Help Trainees Win Presentation Awards!

Be sure to register for the symposium to receive your link to vote for graphical abstracts. Voting opens Monday, May 10 at 12:00pm CST and ends Friday, May 24 at 12:00pm CST. To register, e-mail Dr. Bree Baker ( If you have question about voting, e-mail Dr. Mel Boeyer ( Note: participants who submitted abstracts after May 1st are not eligible to receive an award and are therefore not included in the survey link.

Undergraduate and Master’s Student Presentations

Spencer DeLucia

Spencer DeLucia

Elena Doctor

Elena Doctor

Madison LaChance

Madison LaChance

The Impact of Selection for Increased Exercise in Mice on the Mandible and Cranium

Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences
University of Missouri-Columbia

John Shuster

John Shuster

Senomorphic Drugs Do Not Enhance Loading-Induced Bone Formation In Aged Mice

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Washington University-St. Louis

Anna Sullentrup

Anna Sullentrup

Influences of Patient Medication Use on Osteoarthritic Chondrocyte Metabolism

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Missouri-Columbia

PhD Student Presentations

Kaitlyn Broz

Kaitlyn Broz

RAGE Ablation Partially Mediates Bone Deficits in T2D

Musculoskeletal Research Center
Washington University-St. Louis

Garrett Easson

Garrett Easson

Austin Hensley

Austin Hensley

Modulation of microRNAs to Engineer a Layered Osteochondral Tissue Construct

Musculoskeletal Research Center
Washington University-St. Louis

Jacob Kramer

Jacob Kramer

Austin Lawrence

Austin Lawrence

Acetabular Orientation in Humans and Non-Human Primates

Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences
University of Missouri-Columbia

Ryan Potter

Ryan Potter

Remy Walk

Remy Walk

Preston Wolfe

Preston Wolfe

Postdoc and Faculty Presentations

Janna Andronowski, PhD

Janna Andronowski, PhD

The Andronowski Skeletal Collection for Histological Research

Department of Biomedical Sciences
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Bree Baker, PhD

Bree Baker, PhD

Kristen Prufrock, PhD

Kristen Prufrock, PhD

Does Folivory (Leaf Eating) Influence Chewing Muscle Maturity?

Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences
University of Missouri-Columbia