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Health Informatics in Diabetes Research (HIDR) Core

The University of Missouri “Health Informatics in Diabetes Research” (“MU-HIDR”), as part of the Washington University “Center for Diabetes Translation Research” (WU-CDTR), is one of seven NIDDK-funded Centers for Diabetes Translation Research. The MU-HIDR, is one of five WU-CDTR research support cores which offer a range of services that support and enhance diabetes translation research for center members.


Eduardo Simoes, MD, MSc, MPH, DLSHTM

Core Director - MU-HIDR (NIDDK Washington University CDTR)

122A Math & Sciences Bldg.
810 Rollins St.
Columbia, MO 65211


Health Intervention and Treatment Research Lab

The Health Intervention and Treatment Research Lab conducts clinical research to enhance our understanding of how and why people change their health behaviors. The lab's research focuses primarily on addictive behaviors (e.g., alcohol and other drug use) but also targets other health behaviors, such as sleep and nutrition. Our goal is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of prevention and treatment among high-risk populations (e.g., young adults, Veterans).


Mary Miller

Lab Director and Principal Investigator

1 Hospital Dr.
Columbia, MO 65212


Immunity & Autoimmunity Research Lab

Dr. Habib Zaghouani's Immunity & Autoimmunity Research laboratory focuses on the biology of T lymphocytes and their contribution to the development of immunity and autoimmunity.


Habib Zaghouani, PhD

Habib Zaghouani Research Lab, Director


International Institute of Nano and Molecular Medicine

The I²NM² is a University of Missouri research center dedicated to the discovery and application of fundamental and translational medical science based upon previously unexplored chemistry combined with nanotechnology and the biosciences.


International Institute of Nano and Molecular Medicine

1514 Research Park Drive

Columbia, MO 65211-3450


Kundu Lab

The Kundu Lab seeks to better understand how brain function, such as working memory, is supported by underlying structural and functional brain networks and how brain stimulation can treat network disorders such as epilepsy and movement disorders.


Bornali Kundu, MD, PhD

Principle Investigator

905 Hitt Street
Ste 0006 Office: 0182D
Columbia MO, 65201

Lei Research Lab

The Lei Lab’s research interests focus on ovarian reserve formation and maintenance and the associated ovarian dysfunction and disease. The lab is also interested in how declined ovarian function impacts women’s overall health.


Lei Lei, PhD

Lab Director

MU Surgical Center for Outcomes Research and Effectiveness (MUSCORE)

MUSCORE is a multidisciplinary research center established by the Department of Surgery for Health Services Research (HSR). It was developed to encourage and support the use of HSR to improve the quality of surgical care at local, regional and national levels. At MUSCORE, team members work closely with clinical research directors to ensure high quality data review and project progression


Todd Vogel, MD

Director, Health Services Research

Medical Intelligent Systems Laboratory (MISL)

The Medical Intelligent Systems Lab (MISL) at the University of Missouri School of Medicine researches improvements to biomedical decision support systems and eldercare.


Mihail Popescu, PhD

Lab Director


Microcirculation Laboratory

Current research in the Segal laboratory centers on understanding how myofibers and microvessels interact during regeneration and reinnervation following acute injury. Complementary studies center on understanding how vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells of the vascular wall develop resilience to oxidative stress.


Steven S. Segal, PhD

Lab Director


Missouri Orthopaedic Bioskills Laboratory

The Missouri Orthopaedic Bioskills Lab is the primary clinical anatomy and surgical simulation training site for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. The lab provides mentored, hands-on cadaveric training that is critical to patient safety and effective surgical practice.


Rachel Eiberger

Associate Director
