Students accepted into the Bryant Scholars Pre-Admissions Program are offered acceptance into a particular entering class of the MU School of Medicine, conditional upon their achieving certain academic standards, demonstrating ongoing professional conduct, and participating in required activities. Early or late matriculation is not allowed.

Undergraduate Plan of Study

Once accepted into the program, Bryant Scholars must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.30 and a cumulative math/science GPA of 3.30 and earn A or B grades in the required coursework listed below.

  • College English composition or writing intensive, six credit hours or one year
  • College-level mathematics (college algebra or above), three credit hours or one semester*
  • Biologic sciences (e.g., biology, genetics, cell biology, animal physiology, molecular biology, histology), six credit hours or one year
  • Chemistry (through organic chemistry) twelve credit hours or two years
  • General physics, six credit hours or one year

Students will submit a plan of study with their applications outlining the courses they will take over the duration of the program to meet the course requirements of the School of Medicine. The plan of study will be reviewed and approved by the Pre-Professional Scholars Program (PSP) Sub-Committee at the time of application. Any changes in a student’s plan of study will also need to be submitted to the PSP Sub-Committee for approval.

If students receive a C or lower in any of the required courses outlined in their plans of study, they will be considered for dismissal from the program. Students must submit an appeal and a remediation plan to the PSP Sub-Committee for review and approval. The remediation plan will outline the course the student will take to remediate the deficient grade by the next regularly scheduled PSP Sub-Committee meeting. If the committee allows the student to continue in the program, the committee will then follow current protocol/policy for remediation of a deficient grade.

Transcript Review

Students are required to send their official transcripts to the Medical Education Office postmarked no later than June 1 for spring semester grades, and January 1 for summer and fall semester grades during their final two years in college. These transcripts must be official and sealed by their institution. University of Missouri students are excluded from this requirement as Med Ed can access official transcripts based on home institution rules.

Academic Review

Each August and February, the spring/summer/winter semesters are reviewed for each Bryant Scholar to assess cumulative academic performance. The committee may place a student on program probation if:

  • The student fails to send official transcripts by June 1 and January 1.
  • The student fails to follow their approved plan of study.
  • The student’s cumulative and/or math/science GPA falls below 3.30.
  • The student earns less than a B grade in any one of the seven required lecture or laboratory courses.
  • The student fails to comply with the requirements related to student conduct.

The following conditions apply to students being placed on program probation.

  • The student will be notified of the Sub-Committee’s action and the implications of that action by letter.
  • To remove oneself from program probation, the student must rectify the problem that resulted in being placed on probation. The student must:
    • Raise the cumulative and math/science GPAs to 3.30 or higher.
    • Earn a grade of A or B in an alternate course as approved by the Sub-Committee.
    • Repeat the required course with a grade of A or B. Please note: The alternate course is the preferred method of rectification unless otherwise noted.
    • Satisfy the requirements imposed by the Sub-Committee in individual cases.
  • If the conditions for removal from probation are not met by the end of the following regular semester of enrollment, the student will be reviewed by the Sub-Committee for continuance in the program.
  • The student will have the opportunity to submit a written request to the Sub-Committee for a review of a discontinuance decision.

Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

Bryant Scholars are required to take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). Scores must be available for review at the Pre-Professional Scholars Program Sub-Committee meeting in August of the calendar year prior to the expected date of matriculation into medical school. Students must achieve a minimum score set by MU School of Medicine. Students who do not receive the minimum score will be reviewed by the Sub-Committee and may be dismissed from the Bryant program. Students who wish to do so may provide written documentation to support their retention in the program.

Bryant Scholars will be required to comply with all medical school matriculation requirements at the time of their matriculation.

Student Conduct

Bryant Scholars must follow the Student Conduct Regulations as stated in their home institution's rules and regulations. Failure of a student to comply with these requirements will result in Committee deliberations to determine whether the student may continue in the MU Bryant Scholars Pre-Admission Program.

Scholars are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner at all times. Scholars whose professional or ethical conduct is in question in any way may be reviewed by the Pre-Professional Scholars Program Sub-Committee and may be dismissed from the program.

Bryant Scholars will be required to comply with all medical school matriculation requirements at the time of their matriculation.

Withdrawal/Discontinuance Policy

If a Bryant Scholar withdraws from or fails to re-enroll at their home institution prior to completion of his/her undergraduate degree, the Scholar is automatically, without further notice, discontinued from the Bryant Scholars Pre-Admissions Program.

Summer Retreats and Winter Webinars

Required retreats take place at the School of Medicine in Columbia. Retreat programs may include educational activities, leadership seminars, health policy workshops, and social events. Students are required to attend three of four retreats and online webinars while in undergraduate school. All summer retreats are mandatory. Partial attendance of any retreat does not count toward this requirement. Absences must be approved by the Bryant Scholars Program Coordinator. Requests to be absent must be in writing.

Physician Shadowing

All Bryant Scholars are required to enter a mentoring relationship with a rural physician beginning their third year in college. Students will work with their mentors at least 20 hours per program year.

Health-Related Activities

Additionally, scholars are required to log 20 hours of other health-related experiences per program year. Students are required to attend two rural lectures per academic year. These experiences may include but are not limited to: rural health lectures, health research, shadowing nurses, and/or other health- related staff.

Community Service

Bryant Scholars are also required to participate in eight hours of community service per program year. The service activity is the student's choice.

Rural Medicine Lecture Series

The Rural Medicine Lecture Series is a quarterly series focusing on relevant rural health topics and targeted at rural, undergraduate pre-admitted students, current medical students, interprofessional students, primary care residents, and MU SOM faculty and staff. In this series, attendees hear from experts in rural healthcare on topics including models of addressing behavioral and women’s health in rural areas, rural leadership and community engagement, the impact and management of substance abuse disorders in rural areas, and the use of telemedicine to expand access to care for rural populations. Scholars are required to attend two rural lectures per academic year. Lecture attendance can be counted towards a scholars required health-related activity hours.

Asynchronous Online Modules

Scholars are required to complete a series of 7 asynchronous online modules during the final two years of undergraduate school addressing a variety of health topics to prepare them for medical school and future rural practice.

Rural Commitment

Upon matriculation into the School of Medicine, Bryant Scholars join the Rural Scholars Program, and are required to:

  • Be assigned to a continuity training site the fall of M1 year. Scholars may be assigned to a continuity site that is a block clerkship site or to a Longitudinal Clerkship Site (LINC). A specific training site cannot be guaranteed.
  • Attend 6 rural lectures during medical school.
  • Establish a mentor relationship with a designated rural faculty member during the first year of medical school.
  • Participate in the Summer Community Program for six weeks.
  • Complete three rural clerkships or the longitudinal integrated clerkship (site dependent), and a community integration project during the third year of medical school.
  • Complete one four-week rural elective during the fourth year of medical school.

Rural Scholars make a commitment to participate in all components of the program. A request from a Rural Scholar to not participate in the Rural Summer Community Program, the Rural Clerkship Program, or the Rural Elective Program will only be considered if there are compelling health or personal circumstances supporting the request. The request will only be granted in very unusual circumstances. Students should make the request in writing or by email to the Associate Dean for Rural Health, who will consult with the Rural Scholars Management Group and the appropriate course directors to discuss and document the issue(s). Issues of professionalism will be referred to the Committee on Student Promotion (CSP) and may be noted in the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE). Scholars who successfully complete all medical school requirements of the Rural Scholars Program will receive a scholarship during their fourth year in medical school. Students who do not complete medical school curricular requirements for any reason will forfeit the scholarship.