Find patient care associated with the Center for Translational Neuroscience.
The Department of Neurology offers comprehensive clinical care to patients with neurological problems.
In addition to general neurology, physicians specialize in epilepsy, sleep disorders, clinical neurophysiology, neuromuscular diseases stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, movement disorders and multiple sclerosis.
Faculty physicians have expertise in various subspecialty areas including neuropsychiatry, neuro-ophthalmology, neuropathology, neuro-rehab, pain medicine. Our facilities include state-of-the-art clinical neurophysiology labs and a fully accredited Sleep Disorders Center.
Faculty physicians in the Department of Neurosurgery are dedicated to excellent patient care and resident education. Our range of expertise includes the treatment of brain tumors, spinal tumors, pediatric diseases, cerebral vascular diseases, trauma to the head and spine, surgical treatment of seizure disorders, spinal diseases from degeneration and other causes, and hydrocephalus.
Neurosurgery Patient Information
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Faculty physicians in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation provide comprehensive medical and therapeutic care to patients who have suffered injury or illness. Areas of expertise include amputee care, amputee care, electrodiagnostic exams, musculoskeletal pain, spinal cord injury, stroke and worker's compensation.