Interested in joining our team?

Undergraduate Research Assistants

Typically new research assistants are invited at the beginning of the semester, around the same time that one would sign up for classes. A one-year commitment of at least 3 hours per week is required. At least one hour will be allotted to daily lab tasks (e.g., data entry, survey/program management, assisting with preparation for research appointments). All undergraduate students must complete at least 1 semester of training before being permitted to conduct research for credit. If you are interested in becoming part of our research team, fill out our online application:

Apply Here

Medical Students

Given the intense nature of medical training, medical students should ensure that they have at least 1 hour of time available for research activities each week. Please reach out to Dr. Miller directly if you are interested in pursuing a summer research fellowship in the HIT lab.

Postdoctoral Training

Please reach out to Dr. Miller directly if you are interested in applying for a postdoctoral fellowship. Postdoctoral fellows will undertake advanced training in addictions while also pursuing their own research interests – and are eligible for MU’s addiction T32 training experience, if interested (T32AA013625, PIs McCarthy/Sher; funded continuously by NIAAA since 2002). The goals of the training experience are (1) to support the individual development of diverse early career scientists who want to conduct addictions research; (2) to provide hands-on training in grant writing, publication, and research design (especially randomized controlled trials); and (3) to foster collaborative relationships with addiction scientists and community stakeholders, both locally and across the nation.

For application instructions and a list of potential co-mentors, go to: Available Postdoctoral Fellowships

Lab Dress Code

All Research staff are expected to maintain a clean, professional, and well-groomed appearance. Business attire is required for all intervention and clinical interview appointments with participants (no jeans).

Letter of Recommendation Policy

Dr. Miller will consider writing a letter recommendation for any student/trainee who works in the lab for 1+ year and consistently receives satisfactory performance reviews.