The following resources are available for investigators who are interested in pursuing PCOR grants and/or research as well as individuals who are seeking more information about patient-centered outcomes research and practice. Also, Dr. David Mehr can provide guidance and mentoring for locating information to assist in PCOR-related research and practice.
General Resources
- PCORI – information on the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
- Academy Health’s Evidence, Data, & Methods Forum facilitates learning and collaboration among researchers and other key stakeholders.
- The CMS Innovation Center supports the development and testing of innovative health care payment and service delivery models.
- AHRQ training, career development and research infrastructure information.
- Information on funding announcements, RFAs, and program announcements from AHRQ.
- AHRQ’s innovations and tools to improve quality and reduce disparities.
- AHRQ’s Patient Centered Medical Home resource center.
- Health Literacy Universal Precautions Checklist, a 6-minute video on health literacy
- Development of decision guides/tools using an evidence-based process published by the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration
- NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine provides comprehensive information on resources for CER researchers, including data, tools and statistics, grants, funding, and fellowships, guidelines, journals and other publications, key organizations and programs, and includes free databases available for CER researchers.
- Patients and Health Care Teams Forging Effective Partnerships
- PCOR Methodology Report - The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute developed methodology standards as a useful and valued resource for stakeholders to promote improved healthcare quality and PCOR research.
- PCOR Patient Engagement in Research
- PCOR Research Information and Opportunities
- Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) is a comprehensive Medicaid/Medicare data center. Researchers Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research will find free CMS Data. Researchers will find links to reports, publications, downloadable public use files, and descriptions of data available.
Communicating Research Results
- Making Data Talk, NCI Guide to Effectively Communicate Health-Related Scientific Data to the Public, Policy Makers, and the Media
Building Research Capacity
- AHRQ’s guide to building health services research capacity (security check required)
- Interdisciplinary research career development: Building interdisciplinary research careers in women's health program best practices (Journal of Women’s Health)
- Faculty guide on mentoring graduate students
- Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend (downloadable book on mentoring from the National Academy of Sciences, 1997)
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Entering Mentoring - A Seminar to Train a New Generation of Scientists (seminar runs over several sessions)
- Centering on Mentoring, mentoring resources from the American Psychological Association
- Institute for Clinical Research Education, mentoring for trainees
- UCSF’s Mentor Development Course bibliography
Methods - General
- Patient Centered Medical Home Research Methods Series
- Advanced Methods Webinar Series
- Methods Guide for Medical Test Reviews, a methods guide for systematic reviews of existing research on the effectiveness, comparative effectiveness, and comparative harms of different medical tests
- Responsible Research: A Systems Approach to Protecting Research Participants (2002, IOM)
Methods – CER and PCOR
- PCORI Methodological Standards
- PCORI draft Methodology Report
- PCORI Sample Engagement Plans
- Methods Guide for Comparative Effectiveness Research (AHRQ 2008)
- Extensive list of CER resources compiled by the National Library of Medicine
- Integrating Patients’ Voice in Research, a report from the University of Maryland
- Preliminary Competencies for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CTSA Workgroup for CER)
- Training and career Development for Comparative Effectiveness Research Workforce Development: CTSA Consortium Strategic Goal Committee on Comparative Effectiveness Research Workgroup on Workforce Development
- Developing a Protocol for Observational Comparative Effectiveness Research: A User’s Guide (2013 AHRQ)