
Our Mission

The mission of Women in Medicine and Medical Sciences (WIMMS) is to advance the full and successful participation and inclusion of MU women in all roles within academic medicine.

Executive Council Members

WIMMS 7th Annual Spring Conference

We have started planning for our 7th Annual Spring Conference. Please look for your invitation this spring.

Dr. Kari Martin
Kari Martin, MD
McGill Society contact

Caroline McGill Society

The Caroline McGill Society meets quarterly over dinner to discuss a book, article or film. This gathering is a time for members to learn together and support one another’s development as leaders.

The society is named after School of Medicine alumna Caroline McGill, PhD, MD, who received a doctorate in anatomy and physiology from the school in 1908 and may have been the first female faculty member at the school. When she graduated, she had published five articles and had spent summers studying at the University of Chicago and at the Woods Hole Zoological Lab in Massachusetts, known now as the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. After graduation, McGill received a fellowship to travel and study for a year in Europe.

McGill returned to Missouri in 1910, and she was offered a full professorship at the School of Medicine. However, McGill chose to move to Montana to serve as that state’s first trained pathologist. She later earned a medical degree at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and returned to Montana, where she practiced medicine until 1956.