The Dorsett L. Spurgeon MD Distinguished Medical Research Award recognizes the significant research achievements of early-career School of Medicine faculty. Presentation accompanies a public lecture during our annual Health Sciences Research Day.


Nominate an outstanding faculty researcher for the $5,000 (pre-tax) award, which is supported by the Dr. Dorsett L. Spurgeon and Mary D. Spurgeon Trust. Nominees must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Full-time faculty member
  • Primary appointment (regular or non-regular)
  • Not yet ranked as associate professor at time of nomination
  • Research moves medical science forward and holds great promise for achieving wide recognition of its significance
  • Evidence of research productivity and scholarly achievement through publications, competitive external funding, invited presentations and related activities
  • Independent accomplishment at the University of Missouri

Nomination Process

The two-stage nomination process begins with the submission of a signed letter of nomination, a biographical sketch and a synopsis of the individual’s research.

Nomination Letter Requirements

  • No more than two pages
  • Provides overview of nominee’s research
  • Describes academic strengths
  • Indicates that individual has been notified of nomination and is willing to complete the evaluation and award process

Biographical Sketch Requirements

  • Written in NIH (National Institutes of Health) format
  • Includes education/training information, with institution name and date of terminal degree
  • Date of appointment and rank at the University of Missouri
  • List of selected publications, invited presentations, grant support, other scholarly activities relevant to Spurgeon Award

Research Synopsis Requirements

  • No more than two pages
  • Describes nominee’s research interests, including:
    • Work completed
    • Work in progress
    • Future goals
    • Significance and impact of work achievements

Finalist Evaluation

Members of the MU School of Medicine Research Council review nominations received during the preliminary stage and recommend finalists for further consideration in the second stage of the process.

Finalist Submission Requirements

Finalists must submit a complete curriculum vitae and three (3) letters of recommendation. The curriculum vitae should include:

  • Date of terminal degree
  • Special honors and prizes
  • Invited presentations
  • Symposia
  • Editorial and review positions
  • National committees or panels
  • Complete list of publications
  • Other noteworthy achievements and activities

Letters of recommendation should come from individuals who are objective sources qualified to address the impact of the nominee’s research on the field. At least one letter should come from a source outside the University of Missouri.

Submission Deadline

Nominations are due by 5 p.m., Monday, August 12, 2024.

Completed nomination and application materials should be submitted to MU SOM MedEdResearch School of Medicine, MA202E Medical Sciences Addition, University of Missouri, Attention: Dorsett L. Spurgeon Award.