The ThinkFirst Traffic Offenders Program (TOP) is a experiential program designed specifically to educate high-risk drivers about the consequences of motor vehicle trauma. 

traffic offenders program

During the program, court-ordered traffic offenders follow the same path they would have taken had they been seriously injured in a crash. By providing a graphic and realistic view of life as a crash survivor, traffic offenders realize the full impact of their unsafe driving behavior.

Program Details

Informative and Engaging Presentation

The day begins with a descriptive presentation on the dynamics of crash and injury. Then, the Trauma Services Coordinator provides a virtual tour of the Frank Mitchell, MD, Level 1 Trauma Center Emergency Services. Next, survivors of trauma explain what it’s like to survive a car crash and live with a permanent disability. A Missouri State Highway Patrol officer concludes the day by explaining their role in traffic safety and answering questions from participants.

Programs Available Throughout the State

Eligibility: High-risk drivers, including young drivers, speeding offenders, C&I, DWI, DUI and MIP offenders, and drivers with multiple offenses
Availability: TOP classes are conducted on the 1st Friday of each month. Please arrive by 8:45am
Location: American Legion Building, 3669 Legion Lane, Columbia, MO.
What to Bring: Beverages. We will serve lunch.
Fee: $70.00


TOP was developed in partnership with Missouri traffic judges & court administrators and is considered a powerful intervention for those hard-to-reach traffic offenders. Since its inception in 1987, TOP has been replicated across the United States and in Canada. Similar programs in Missouri are conducted in Kansas City and Springfield.