Journal of Academic Hospital Medicine
Research Articles
Inpatient Care versus Subacute Care for Long Term Intravenous Antibiotics: Cost from the Patient Perspective
Elizabeth B. Odom, M.D., Kamlesh B. Patel, M.D., and Devin C. Odom, M.D.
Outcomes with Multiplex PCR Respiratory Sample Testing on Hospital Inpatients
Gautam Balakrishnan, M.D.; Carolina Landeen, M.D.; Eliza A. Dy-Boarman, Pharm.D., BCPS; Geoffrey C. Wall, PharmD, FCCP BCPS, CGP;
Ask a Specialist
Ask a Pathologist: Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction
D. Eric Ewing MD, Emily Coberly MD
Missouri ACP 2014 Abstract Winners
Images of the Month
Pregnant Woman with Abnormal Chest Radiograph
Payal Shah MD, Christian Rojas-Moreno MD
Restricted Diffusion of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): More than Ischemia
Christopher R. Newey, DO, MS