Learn about the Infectious Diseases Fellowship conferences available with our program.

Core Curriculum Conference

The Core Curriculum Conference is held on Mondays from 8-9 a.m. and is presented by faculty and fellows. Lectures are prepared based on a comprehensive list of topics that provide the fellows with the foundation to learn the principles and practice of infectious diseases.

Case Conference

Our very popular ID Case Conference is held from 1-2 p.m. each Wednesday. Challenging and interesting cases are presented by a medical student, an internal medicine resident or a fellow to the other members of the division and other attendees.

Cases are selected by the consult teams and are presented as unknowns. Pertinent imaging, histopathology, and other materials are brought to the conference for review. Cases are then discussed by faculty or fellows who have not previously seen the patient and elaborate the differential diagnosis until arriving to the most likely diagnosis through medical reasoning. Short didactic discussions occur, and reprints or synopsis of literature may be distributed. Find some examples of the cases we discuss.

Journal Club

The Journal Club is held from 8-9 a.m. each Wednesday. Wide arrays of clinical and basic science articles are reviewed. The faculty and fellows participate on a rotating basis. The presenter reviews the publication, which is followed by a discussion of the finding by club members with special emphasis on the strengths and weaknesses of the piece of literature.


Every Wednesday at noon, fellows attend outstanding lectures on clinical microbiology. These lectures provide knowledge that is put into practice during clinical rounds.

ID/Critical Care Conference

In collaboration with the division of pulmonary, critical care and environmental medicine, we have developed a combined ID/critical care conference held on the last Monday of the month at noon.

Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds

National experts in specific areas of Infectious Diseases are invited quarterly to provide an update on a relevant topic in the field.