Are you a male who is interested in environmental exposure and male fertility?

male watching a fracking drill

Researchers at the University of Missouri School of Medicine invite you to participate in a research study to determine concentration of chemicals related to fracking in urine and semen quality for men living near drilling sites compared to men not living near drilling sites. Participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire, collect urine and semen sample, ship sample back to the University of Missouri (No visits required).

We are looking for:

  1. Males ages 18 – 45 who are potentially able to father a child (no vasectomy)
  2. No kidney disease
  3. No chronic urinary infections
  4. Have a mailing address where study packages can be sent.
  5. Lives in a state with fracking (unconventional oil and gas development)

This will take about 2 hours to complete at home. Participants will be compensated $100.

Check your eligibility at

If you are interested in learning more about this study, provide us with some basic information in the body of the email to Dr. McElroy at

  • Preferred method of contact
  • Best times to reach you

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