Parents, You are the First Impact!

The time to prepare your teen to drive and survive is now! Parental involvement is key and has a significant impact on teen driving safety. As parents, we make the First Impact by limiting our teen’s exposure to high-risk situations.

Along with the First Impact program, parents should model good driving behaviors:

  1. Do not talk or text on your cell phone while driving
  2. Always wear your safety belt
  3. Avoid distractions
  4. Obey the speed limit and rules of the road
  5. Drive sober
  6. Lead by example – drive the way you want your teen to drive!

To request a program or sign up to be a First Impact speaker, fill out the form below.

Contact our dedicated ThinkFirst team

You are the First Impact! To learn more about how to keep teens safe while driving, or to locate or request a program near you, contact us below.