I&I Graduate Student Handbook

MPT Graduate Student Handbook

Required courses for I&I graduate students

Fall semester, 1st year

CourseNameCredit Hours
MICROB 8303Fundamental Virology2
MICROB 8404Foundations in Bacterial Pathogenesis2
TR_BIOSC 8500Translational Biosciences I3
TR_BIOSC 8550Skills in Translational Biosciences I1
TR_BIOSC 8560Data Design and Analysis I3
TR_BIOSC 9085Rotations in Translational Bioscience1
MICROB 9087Seminar in Microbiology1

Spring semester, 1st year

CourseNameCredit Hours
MICROB 8304Immunology3
MICROB 9087Seminar in Microbiology1
TR_BIOSC 8555Professional Skills for Translational Biosciences II1
TR_BIOSC 8560Data Design and Analysis I3
TR_BIOSC 9085Rotations in Translational Bioscience1


Summer semester, 1st year

CourseNameCredit Hours
MICROB 9090Research in Microbiology5


Fall semester, 2nd year

CourseNameCredit Hours
 (I&I Advanced Elective)4
 (Other Elective)0-3
MICROB 9087Seminar in Microbiology1
MICROB 9090Research in Microbiology1+
TR_BIOSC 9422Journal Club1


Spring semester, 2nd year

CourseNameCredit Hours
 (I&I Advanced Elective)4
 (Other Elective)0-3
MICROB 9087Seminar in Microbiology1
MICROB 9090Research in Microbiology1+
TR_BIOSC 9422Journal Club1
TR_BIOSC 9476Fellowship and Grant and Manuscript Writing for Biomedical Scientists3


Summer semester, 2nd year

CourseNameCredit Hours
MICROB 9090Research in Microbiology5


I&I Advanced Electives (2 required)

CourseNameCredit Hours
MICROB 9001Topics in Microbiology (Adv. Virology)4
MICROB 9404Adv. Bacterial Pathogenesis4
MICROB 9407Adv. Immunology4
MICROB 9449Infection and Immunity4


Other 8000/9000-level electives: The DGS and the student’s doctoral committee approves electives.

Credit-Hour Requirements

The graduate school requires 72 hours of advanced study to be completed for a PhD degree. A minimum of 15 hours of 8000-9000 level course work, not including Rotations, Seminar, and Dissertation Research.

Full-Time Student Enrollment

Graduate student full-time enrollment status pre-comprehensive exam:

  • 9 credit hours each for fall and spring, 5 credit hours for summer.

Graduate student full-time enrollment status post-comprehensive exam:

  • 2 credit hours each for fall and spring, 1 credit hour for summer.

Resources: (Forms and Travel information)

Doctoral Forms

Travel Award Applications