Research in Pathology and Anatomical Sciences is an amalgam of clinical, translational, and basic science investigation.
The department faculty focus on eight broad areas of interest:
- Anatomic Pathology
- Anatomical Sciences
- Cancer Biology
- Craniofacial Research Center
- Diabetes
- Neurobiology
- Digital Pathology and Informatics
Department research is supported by peer-reviewed sources including the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, American Heart Association, The Dana Foundation, Leakey Foundation, Department of Veteran Affairs, and Wenner-Gren Foundation.
Faculty actively participate in institutional initiatives including the Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, the Bond Life Sciences Center, the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, the VA Biomolecular Imaging Center, the Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment, the Burns Center for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Research, the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center and the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science.
Graduate students may obtain doctoral degrees (PhD), working with faculty in the department, through the Anatomical Sciences Program, Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Medical Pharmacology & Physiology, or the Pathobiology Area Program. A department-based Masters Degree in Pathology is also available. For additional information regarding PhD or MS programs, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Akhil Srivastava. Research training opportunities for post-doctoral fellows, residents, medical students, and undergraduates are also available in individual laboratories, by contacting the individual faculty member. The diversity of investigators provides unique opportunities for integrative, multi-disciplinary and translational research.
Current Research Topics
- Advances in laboratory medicine sciences
- Clinical pathological correlations of meningiomas
- Computational analysis of genomic data, bioinformatics
- Development and evolution of brain morphology
- Developmental biology and pathobiology
- Diagnostic evaluation of biopsies
- Diagnostic molecular pathology
- Dietary influences on cranial and dental morphology
- DNA methylation and epigenetic regulation of gene expression
- Evolution of the postcranial skeleton
- Evolutionary morphology of the vertebrate skull and feeding complex
- Joint formation, biomechanics and aging
- Molecular mechanisms of redox modulation
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Pathobiology of cancer (neoplasia), invasion, and metastasis
- Pathology informatics
- Therapeutic approaches to traumatic brain injury
- Therapy of brain tumors with antibody-directed gold nanoconjugates
- Tumor stem cells in gliomas
- Wound repair and angiogenesis, vascular remodeling