The Research Council at the University of Missouri School of Medicine offers faculty a forum to discuss institutional research issues and communicate them to the administration. In addition, the Research Council sponsors the School of Medicine Student Research Fellowship Program.

Research Council Membership & Guidelines

The Research Council consists of at least 15 voting members. Three members hold the following positions:

  • An associate dean responsible for research in the School of Medicine
  • Chair of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) in the Health Sciences Section
  • Associate Chief of Staff for Research at the VA Hospital

At least 15 members appointed from the Faculty Assembly of the School of Medicine must meet these requirements:

  • Appointed annually by the Dean
  • May not serve more than three consecutive years
  • Major involvement in research activity

To stagger terms, approximately one-third of Council membership is replaced each year.

Research Council Roster

MemberDepartmentTerm Expires
Akhil Srivastava, PhDPathology & Anatomical Sciences6/30/25
Margaret Lange, PhDMolecular Microbiology & Immunology6/30/25
Steven DeFroda, MDOrthopaedic Surgery6/30/25
Lei Lei, PhDObstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health6/30/25
Scott Zawieja, PhDMedical Pharmacology & Physiology6/30/25
Pawan Singh, PhDOphthalmology6/30/26
Mary Beth Miller, PhDPsychiatry6/30/26
Michael J Petris, MDBiochemistry & Ophthalmology6/30/26
James McClay, MDEmergency Medicine6/30/26
Jaapna Dhillon, PhDNutrition & Exercise Physiology6/30/26
Bumsuk Hahm, PhDSurgery6/30/26
Jae- Wook Jeong, PhDObstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health6/30/27
Jullie Pan, MD, PhDRadiology6/30/27
Jussuf Kaifi, MD, PhDSurgery6/30/27
Mohammad Badran, PhD, MSc, B PharmPediatrics6/30/27
TBDMedicine - Cardiology-
Molly Greenwade, MDObstetrics, Gynecology, & Women’s Health (Springfield)6/30/27
Robin Trotman, DOMedicine (Springfield)6/30/27

Ex-officio Members

  • Bettina Mittendorfer, PhD
    • Senior Associate Dean for Research, School of Medicine
    • Director, NextGen Clinical and Translational Science Unit
    • University of Missouri

Administrative Support

  • Jackie Garner, Medical Research Education Coordinator – Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI

Health Science Research Day Administrative Support Team

  • Kim Holtmeyer, Senior Associate Director Business Admin
  • Gloria Johnson, Business Support Specialist II