For graduation week, the June 2024 William C. Allen Visiting Professors were Dr. Peter A. Cole from Regions Hospital, Department of Orthopedic Surgery in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Dr. Claude Moorman from the Atrium Health Musculoskeletal Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina.
In a group photo with Mrs. Allen (center) are Dr. Cole ((left center), Dr. Moorman (far right), Dr. Stannard (right center), and Dr. Gainor (far left).

On the evening of arrival for the annual lectureship, Dr. Cole presented "Combined Scapula and Rib Malunions, the Price of Benign Neglect." Dr. Moorman presented "Value of Calculated Risk." The next morning, the two guest lecturers presided over Journal Club with the residents, and this was followed with case presentations by the residents. In the afternoon, Dr. Cole presented "20 Year Anniversary of an Orthopedic Mission in the Amazon Jungle." Dr. Moorman presented "Current Concepts in Regenerative Medicine for the Orthopedic Surgeon."

The graduating residents then presented their research projects, and annual awards were given.
Spine surgeon Dr. Kirkham B. Wood, MD, was our visiting professor at the Missouri Orthopedic Institute during the month of May. He is a Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the Stanford University School of Medicine. On the evening of his arrival, Dr. Wood presided over Journal Club with the residents and fellows. The next morning, he presented Grand Rounds on degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine.

This lecture was followed by case presentations by the MOI house staff.

The April 2024 Visiting Professor at the Missouri Orthopaedic Institute was Dr. Albert Yee. He is a Professor of Surgery and Co-Director of the University of Toronto Department of Surgery Spine Program. Dr. Yee is the Holland Bone and Joint Program Chief and Division Chief as well as the Marvin Tile Chair of Orthopedic Surgery at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. His academic research focuses on translational orthopedic and spine studies using pre-clinical surgical models to evaluate minimally invasive therapeutics.

Dr. Yee presided over an evening Journal Club with the residents and gave a Grand Rounds lecture the next morning on life-long professional education. He then critiqued case presentations by the MOI spine service line.

The March 2024 Visiting Professor at the Missouri Orthopedic Institute was Dr. David F. Martin, Executive Director of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. Dr. Martin presided over an evening Journal Club with the residents that was focused on resident education, trainee evaluations, the OITE test, and the Orthopedic Board examinations. At Grand Rounds the next morning, Dr. Martin presented the new KSB (Knowledge, Surgical Skills, Behaviors) ABOS initiative and pilot study in which the MU orthopedic program will participate. This newly updated resident evaluation system is slated to roll-out nationwide in July of 2025.

The February 2024 Visiting Professor at the Missouri Orthopedic Institute was total joint specialist Javad Parvizi, MD, FRCS, who is a Professor at Acibahem University, Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Parvizi presided over an evening Journal Club with the residents. In the group photo, he is center foreground, and his host Dr. Elie Ghanem is far right.

Dr. Parvizi`s Grand Rounds presentation was entitled "Periprosthetic Joint Infection: Thinking Outside the Box." Afterwards, he critiqued presentations by the residents and a total joint fellow.

Dr. Joshua Li, MD, PhD, was our Visiting Professor at the Missouri Orthopaedic Institute in October. Dr. Li is the Director of the Spine Fellowship and Director of Spine Research at the University of Virginia. He presided over Journal Club with the residents, and he is pictured at Ground Rounds (left to right) with Dr. Don Moore, Dr. Ted Choma, Dr. Li, and Dr. Richard Ma.

After his lecture on Spondylolisthesis, the residents shared Case Presentations with him. Dr. Li is a recipient of the Kappa Delta Award, which is the highest honor in research conferred by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

In April, the 23rd Annual Comparative Orthopedics Day symposium was held at the Missouri Orthopedic Institute and featured Ben Nowell, PhD, MSW, as the Littlejohn Family Keynote Lecturer. His presentation was entitled "Engaging Patients and Providers in Remote Monitoring for Clinical Care and Generation of Prospective Longitudinal Data." The guest speaker is pictured (left to right) with Dr. Barry Gainor, Mrs. Marilyn Littlejohn, Dr. Nowell, Dr. Jimi Cook, and Mrs. Kathryn Allen.

During the morning session of the one-day symposium, which was convened in the conference center of the Thompson Laboratory for Regenerative Orthopedics, resident physician Dr. Ennio Rizzo Esposito presented his research project "Antibiotic Prophylaxis does not decrease infection rate in Pediatric Supracondylar Humerus Fractures Treated with Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning. A Prospective Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Study."

Dr. Peter J. Stern, the Norman S. Hill and Elizabeth C.A. Hill Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Cincinnati visited the University of Missouri Orthopaedic Surgery Department in March. His two day visit included a great journal club where our residents reviewed some of the latest hand surgery literature as well as discussed Dr. Stern’s published American Orthopaedic Association’s Presidential Address. The following day, Dr. Stern presented at the department’s Grand Rounds where his talk reviewed some of the challenges that face all orthopaedic surgeons in caring for our patients. Pictured above left to right are Dr. Daniel London, Visiting Professor Dr. Peter Stern, Dr. Julia Nuelle, and Dr. Barry Gainor.

For the 2022 resident graduation events, the 27th annual William C. Allen Lecturer was trauma surgeon Dr. George V. Russell, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. His keynote lectures were entitled "Profession or Job. What is Your Destiny?" and "Principles, Passion, and Purpose." Dr. Russell (center with red tie) is joined on the right by Mrs. Kathryn Allen and Dr. Gainor, and on the left by Dr. Kfuri and Dr. Stannard.

At the 22nd Annual Comparative Orthopaedics Day symposium, April 29, 2022, the Littlejohn Family keynote speaker was Martha Anderson (white jacket) who is flanked on the left by Christie and Marilyn Littlejohn, and Dr. Gainor; and on the right by Kathryn Allen and Dr. Cook. For more than 30 years, Ms. Anderson managed and directed the donor-related services of the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF) Biologics.

In 1979 when Dr. Barry Gainor joined the MU orthopaedic faculty as its fourth member, the program was young and included only eight residents. The teaching curriculum lacked structure, and there was little or no tradition of research. Designing a weekly conference schedule to educate our residents was readily achievable, but establishing a tradition of scholarly research fueled by intellectual curiosity was not an overnight job. Dr. Gainor promptly initiated a small mid-Western resident teaching conference to encourage the MU orthopaedic trainees to develop research topics and share these ideas with fellow residents from other programs.

Kevin L. Garvin, MD (third from left in photo above), presented the 26th Annual W.C. Allen Professorship Lectures titled "Two-Stage Exchange Arthroplasty for Treatment of PJI" and "The ABOS and Board Certifications: Past, Present, and Future." Dr. Garvin is an orthopaedic surgeon at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE where he serves as Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Dr. Garvin specializes in hip and knee reconstruction and the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal infections. He maintains an active clinical practice performing more than 400 hip and knee arthroplasties and periacetabular or femoral osteotomies per year. He has extensive experience performing all hip approaches, including anterior, anterolateral, transtrochanteric, and posterior. Dr. Garvin is an author of more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles. In 2020, he was named one of Castle Connolly’s “America’s Top Doctors.”

Dr. Tyler Ellis and Dr. Sumit Gupta represented Mizzou Orthopaedics in the 4th Annual Bal Shalyakriya (Surgery for Children) Mission Week in Mangalore, India February 3rd-8th, 2020. Partnering with Peedh Parai International (PPI), and hosted by local hospital, KMC Attavar, orthopaedic services were provided free of cost to local children in need. Over five days, a total of fifteen children underwent various procedures, for congenital, posttraumatic and postinfectious limb deformities. Additionally, another 60 children were seen for clinic visits.