All pediatrics residents will complete a core set of rotations as defined by the training program and ACGME guidelines. Additional individualized curriculum gives residents exposure to other unique opportunities in general outpatient pediatrics, subspecialties, research, medical education, and advocacy.
General Outpatient Pediatrics Training
Residents interested in General Pediatrics, either academic or private practice, can consider these rotations to give them additional experiences most relevant to their future career such as learning how to answer common parent questions, exposure to private practice, understanding billing, and additional time in clinic.
- Second Continuity Clinic - this is an additional 1/2-day continuity clinic which occurs while on outpatient electives and can be performed in our academic practice or a local private practitioner's office.
- Practice Management Elective - popular among our residents, this elective teaches residents how to manage a business, understand billing/coding, and how to balance patient care with efficiency.
- South Providence Acute Care Clinic can be chosen over an ER rotation during 3rd year of residency
- Rural/Underserved Medicine Elective - residents who chose this elective spend an away rotation working with providers throughout the state of Missouri and often take the first step in their careers by joining these practices after graduation.
- Parenting Elective - this new elective is designed for residents with or without children and helps resident learn how to answer common parenting questions.
- General Electives - other electives to consider for General Outpatient Pediatric training include Pulmonology, Radiology, Endocrinology, Surgery, and Orthopedics to prepare residents to care for common pediatric issues encountered in clinic such as asthma, obesity, ADHD, sports physicals, interpretation of common imaging modalities, and outpatient surgical referrals.
- Mentoring – although not a specific elective, faculty members are elated to find a resident who has a shared interest in general pediatrics and provide excellent mentoring and advising which helps residents chose electives wisely, build their CV, attend pertinent conferences across the country, apply for career opportunities that fit a resident's goals, and prepare for job interviews.
Subspecialty Training
Residents interested in subspecialty training can consider these rotations to give them additional experiences most relevant to their chosen field as well as help prepare their fellowship application.
- Second Continuity Clinic - this is an additional 1/2-day continuity clinic which occurs while on outpatient electives and can be performed in any of our subspecialty clinics. This allows residents to have continued exposure to their chosen subspecialty even after they have completed the rotation.
- Research Elective - popular among our residents, this elective allows residents designated time to work on a scholarly project, and the rotation culminates with a final presentation such as writing an abstract for submission to a conference or for publication.
- Away Rotation - occasionally a resident may seek to enroll in an away rotation if it provides additional experiences within a subspecialty that would not otherwise be available at our program. This is an excellent opportunity for residents to gain insight into fellowship programs.
- General Electives - residents are encouraged to choose electives that would complement their chosen subspecialty.
- Academic Mentoring - although not a specific elective, faculty members are elated to find a resident who has an interest in their own subspecialty and provide excellent mentoring and advising which helps residents chose electives wisely, build their CV and fellowship application with academic accomplishments, attend pertinent conferences across the country, apply to fellowship programs that fit a resident's goals, and prepare for fellowship interviews.
Advocacy Track
Residents interested in advocacy training can apply for participation in the Advocacy Track with a written letter of interest and consideration of a project they would like to pursue. Advocacy Track Residents are given access to faculty mentors and local and state-wide resources to support their project completion.
- Second Continuity Clinic – this is an additional 1/2 -day of protected time which occurs while on outpatient electives and can be used to complete didactic training in advocacy.
- Advocacy Elective – this is one elective block during both 2nd and 3rd year which gives a resident time to complete didactic training in advocacy, advance an advocacy project, or participate in state-wide committee meetings.
- Conference Participation – residents meet with residents and faculty members at other institutions across the State of Missouri to learn about their advocacy efforts and work on state-wide goals together.
- Mentoring – residents have access to faculty members dedicated to advocacy work both locally and state-wide.