Find ways to donate to and support the Department of Psychiatry.
Addictions Prevention and Treatment Fund
The Addictions Prevention and Treatment Fund supports research that aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of substance use treatment among high-risk populations (e.g., young adults, Veterans, individuals with comorbid conditions). Funds facilitate (a) institutional support and training experiences for undergraduate and graduate trainees from diverse backgrounds; (b) implementation and dissemination of addictions research; and (c) community access to addictions-related prevention, intervention, and treatment. For additional information, visit
Child Psychiatry Program Fund
Directed by Dr. Laine Young Walker, this fund will go toward prevention and early intervention programs with a focus on social emotional development of young children, trauma, or access to psychiatric care.
Cognition, Aging, Sleep and Health (CASH) Fund
The Cognition, Aging, Sleep and Health Lab studies the bidirectional relationship between sleep and cognition in healthy and pathological aging populations. This fund would support student research projects in these areas. For information about ongoing projects, visit